Best Hard Core Workouts Begin At Your Home
All good things begin with your humble abode. Here is how you can have great workouts and pave your way to that chiseled physique with these top 15 strategies-
Reps Addition– Max out your reps per set to have a progressive workout. The old school thoughts of conventional 10-15 reps per set is a pass. Research shows that for hypertrophy to be effective there has to be a broader spectrum of the no. of reps per set. To level up your workout try to make your way up to 30 reps per set.
Set Addition– Challenge your muscles by increasing the number of sets you do of an exercise for a specific body part. Churn your muscles and take them for a ride by simply increasing your no. of sets from for instance 5 to 10 for a specific exercise and see the results.
Reduce Rest Time– For a great workout just reduce your rest gap between your exercise. Drop it from 90 secs to 60 secs. Let your body be in full swing with shortened rest intervals.
Try Not To Be stable– We are just talking about your workouts and nothing else. The more our body gets in contact with the ground the more stable you are about to be. If you try to reduce the support from the ground no doubt you will have less stability but it is so much easier to increase your exercise intensity now.
Focus On Unilateral- When working out focus on being unilateral that is focus on one limb rather than being bilateral. The biggest effect of this is to identify the imbalances in physical structure and improve muscle symmetry. For example, you may try Bulgarian split squats than the regular performing squats, or try reverse lunges and many more.
Use High-Intensity Techniques (HIT)- HIT has been scientifically proven and has been a sure shot kick-ass way to increase the challenge of a workout. HIT makes home workouts effective when you target the same muscle group by doing two exercises back-to-back. Body Building techniques such as pre-exhaust, forced reps, drop sets, and rest-pauses are such proven techniques that will increase blood flow into the muscle which will enhance your workout.
Use Bands- The use of bands and sliders is an awesome way to increase the challenge of exercises without having to add more weight. You can make your push-ups more challenging with sliders. Resistance bands and sliders are great gadgets for increasing exercise intensity without adding resistance.
Add Variations In Exercise- With the passage of time and vigorous training you are bound to get in that comfort zone in your training. Get into that experimentation mode and try a variation in your exercise routine.
Train More Frequently- Increase the no. of days for your workout to stimulate muscle growth. Research clearly shows by focusing on a muscle group for 2-3 days gives superb results than training it once a month.
Pulses and Pauses– Adding pauses and/or pulses during each repetition effectively increases the total amount of time that your muscles are under tension, which means they ultimately have to do more work.
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